certain Attitudes Bring About certain Results

Positive - certain Attitudes Bring About certain Results

Good afternoon. Now, I discovered Positive - certain Attitudes Bring About certain Results. Which could be very helpful for me so you. certain Attitudes Bring About certain Results

We've all heard about the power of confident thinking, and many have beyond doubt tried to think beyond doubt but may not have noticed the results they desired. Read on and see how confident attitudes can bring about confident results.

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A confident Attitude Doesn't Mean Ignoring the Obvious

Some population would like you to believe that you can change the world by merely pretending that all is wonderful, no matter how bad your situation is. confident thinking isn't ignoring the obvious, but ignoring the confident can be detrimental and demoralizing.

Positive attitude is instead, a process of seeing something confident in every situation, even the bleakest. seeing at the confident side will commonly allow you the clarity of plan to find new ways to move out of bad situations into better ones, and at last to good or great situations. Conversely, seeing at the negative side of a situation blocks creativity and thought, and generally leads to more negative situations.

Benefits to a confident Attitude

Positive thinking brings about benefits that you wouldn't at first imagine. A thinking attitude that expects good or favorable results helps mould our behavior towards activities that originate a confident environment. Generally, a confident mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and success in whatever effort you attempt. When you do encounter less than favorable circumstances, you will find you are more resourceful than man that does not have a confident attitude, thereby helping insure your success.

Henry Ford was known to say "Whether you think you can or think you cannot, you are right."

This particularly rings true when it comes to holding a confident attitude.

Beyond Mere Attitude

Actually, calling attitude "mere" may be doing it disservice, as your attitude is the corollary of quite a amount of factors, the least of which may be your aware actions. However, it is clear that your aware actions greatly influence your attitude. While you may not think so at first, you Can influence your attitude straight through some very great tools that are relatively simple and easy to implement.

First, watch yourself and see how you talk. Back in the early or mid '90s, I attended a series of lectures by Gregg Braden, and one of the thins he brought up while one of the breaks was the plan of confident speech. With confident speech, you make statements that are confident in relation to what you do, want or need, instead of negative ones. This deliberate speech moves you to a more confident way of being that can radically influence your attitude. Yes, they are a form of affirmation. I was particularly concerned in a habit he had of "canceling" phrases we use every day. Whenever he would say something that could be interpreted literally, such as "I laughed so hard I nearly died", he would corollary it with "cancel that thought" as soon as he realized it could have been mis-interpreted. If you say "I want this thing" the universe allows you to want, instead of helping you furnish it. If, as you watch yourself, you find that you are using a lot of phrases that could be carefully negative, try to change how you speak. Every little change you make in turning your speech confident will help improve your attitude, and that will help make you life more positive.

Changing Your Life With a confident Attitude

As you change your speech, you will find your attitude improves. To supplementary help, try to avoid the habit of complaining about what isn't right, or isn't going the way you wish it would. The universe interprets your statements as statements of fact. If you state things in a confident manner as if they have already happened, they are much more likely to happen. On the other hand, if you continually dwell on the negative side, and complain (especially to others you think may share your pain), you only reinforce those negative actions and bring more of them to yourself. A confident attitude begins with confident speech. By avoiding speaking negative things, you can lessen the power you give to the negative and begin to move you vigor to the positive. With each negative you no longer express, and each confident thing you do express, the closer you get to a better, more confident attitude, and with it, a more confident life.

I have seen many cases in my own life where the above concepts were proven true and effective, and watched others descend into relative pits of negativity because they were apparently unable to accept that confident speech and actions could make even the smallest change in their situation. I have personally been in more than one situation where I could find little confident to see, and had to be reminded by man else covering of the direct corollary to see even the smallest positive. Once I did find the first confident element, then built one upon someone else and before long I was out of the negative pit and back with a confident attitude.

The universe operates much as if it were this massive aware computer, and our speech and attitude were the programming that carefully what was to come. How and what we think has a profound corollary on our individual future.

As a parting comment, I again repeat the words of Henry Ford:
"Whether you think you can or think you cannot, you are right."

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